Clean Kitchens

Hey friends!

I’m so excited to share with you today about something that has been put so heavily on my heart.  Today I’m sharing a story from Luke, chapter 10. It’s a sweet reminder to all of us about what really matters to Jesus.

My mom has this little sign in her kitchen that says, “A messy kitchen is a happy kitchen and this kitchen is delirious.” I always thought it was so funny growing up. My mom’s kitchen growing up was usually (always) messy. Not in a bad way, but in the way that passing by the kitchen on an ordinary afternoon reminded you life is busy, and so are we. However, now that I have a kitchen of my own, I can say with great confidence that I do not enjoy a messy kitchen. The presence of dirty dishes doesn’t make me delirious in the slightest, but distressed.


In Luke chapter 10, I have found my true soul sister, Martha. Martha unexpectedly has Jesus over to her home, and like most of us is scrambling to make things “perfect” for her company. However, in doing this, Martha misses the moment for which Jesus came.

Luke 10:38-42 (MSG)

38-40 As they continued their travel, Jesus entered a village. A woman by the name of Martha welcomed him and made him feel quite at home. She had a sister, Mary, who sat before the Master, hanging on every word he said. But Martha was pulled away by all she had to do in the kitchen. Later, she stepped in, interrupting them. “Master, don’t you care that my sister has abandoned the kitchen to me? Tell her to lend me a hand.”

41-42 The Master said, “Martha, dear Martha, you’re fussing far too much and getting yourself worked up over nothing. One thing only is essential, and Mary has chosen it—it’s the main course, and won’t be taken from her.”

I love this story so much. I find that it is so relevant in my life, and unfortunately I totally resonate with Martha. I am that sister. I want moments to be perfect and beautiful, especially for those I love most. So, sometimes that means I am fixated on the wrong moments. Have you ever had people over to your home and found yourself stressed about it? I think it’s so funny that when we invite people we love and cherish into our homes we feel we have to put on our best. When in complete truth, the people who love us most could care less about the spread we have, or the condition of our kitchen, but only care about the condition of our hearts.  I believe Martha has the purest of intentions. She wants things to go smoothly, be organized, prepared for, and to unfold so elegantly. However, because of this, she misses the moment.

Jesus shares with Martha that the special moment is to be had now, like Mary had realized. The main course wasn’t whatever Martha was preparing in her Le Creuset cookware set, it was a simple moment to spend fully fixated on Jesus being there! To worship, to listen, to be loved by true love. And in complete honesty, no matter how skilled Martha’s culinary skills were or whatever treat she had brought home from the fresh market, how could she ever top the fulfillment that Jesus’ presence brings?


The setting didn’t have to be perfect for Jesus to be present. In fact, Jesus already knew what Martha’s home was like on a regular day. Martha didn’t have to clean up for Jesus, just like we don’t have to clean up for Jesus. The wonderful truth is that The Lord loves us where we are at. Our closet floor may be covered in dirty laundry, we might only have leftovers in the fridge to offer, and our lives might be quite messy, but that doesn’t matter to Jesus.

He loves us anyway. 

What’s important to him is extending an invitation into our messy, less-than-perfect lives. He wants to be with us, He loves us. I love knowing that I don’t have to “clean-up” or put on my best for Jesus. He’s the one I can always count on to love me as I really, truly am. Nothing we can do will ever separate us from his love. He doesn’t care if my dishes are dirty or my hair is in tangles, he cares about the condition of my heart. 

So often we get worked up in trying to prepare for what we envision to be perfect moments that we forget to embrace the beauty of now. It brings so much freedom to know that The Lord creates each moment, each season with purpose and intentionality. He never makes things for waste.

Let us truly live out the moments placed before us as they are divinely created. I’m so thankful for the opportunity to be present even through my mess. You and I are so deeply loved by a good, good father.




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